Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sixth Sunday after Epiphany (green) 2/15/09

2 Kings 5:1-14.

Naaman, a commander in the Syrian Army, is sent by his king to the King of Israel, who then sends him on to Elisha for healing from his leprosy. Elisha himself does not appear, but sends a messenger to tell Naaman to dip in the Jordan seven times. Naaman's servants talk him into accepting the advice, and he emerges clean.

1 Corinthians 9:24-27.

Paul continues his advice for effective ministry and discipleship. Here, it's all about intentional self-discipline, including discipline of our bodies, aimed toward "winning the prize," the "imperishable wreath."

Mark 1:40-45.

Jesus is moved by compassion to cleanse a leper. Just as quickly, Jesus finds himself angrily ordering the man not to tell others but rather to show himself to the priests, and "cast him out" (the same word used for casting out demons!). The cleansed man tells all, so Jesus can no longer enter towns and villages because his fame (or infamy for touching a leper?) had spread.

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