Monday, July 14, 2008

Be sure to stop by Peggy's for more Daybook entries.

For Today...

Outside my a beautiful Summer morning, is very quiet this morning.

I am thinking...or what I need to get done today. I have been in a Hazy Lazy Summer mode but I have things I must get done. My Granddaughter will be here during the days this week due to her leg and foot being in cast. Dr. needs to have an MRI done.

I am thankful for...Our health improvements. The family we have that watches over us.

From the kitchen...the smell of the cinnamon bagels we had for breakfast and the smell of fresh coffee.

I am pages I use when I substitute teach. Planning the school year all ready. I do work from home but am thinking of teaching a little this year. I also am working on my Travel Blog.

I am go no where today. Have things that need to be taken care right here at home.

I am jeans, a peach t shirt and of course, barefooted.

I am reading...have found some great blogs. I get lost in them. Time flies by and I get nothing done.

I am hoping...for a nice week. Maybe some word on an article I submitted.

I am hearing...nothing. Is so quiet and peaceful, it actually is scary.

Around the house...Lots to get done. I am not the housekeeper I once was. I will take it all ONE DAY AT A TIME till is all done and start all over again. ;-)

One of my favorite things...All the Love I feel.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...Work, Write, Read, Spoil Granddaughter and Husband.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...


  1. Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog. I loved getting a glimpse of what you are doing today. I can almost see you there. :)

  2. I'm going no where today, too, and I'll probably get caught up reading blogs and get very little done!

  3. thats about what will happen to me. Tho I did grill some burgers for lunch, and HAVE to do some work this afternoon.

    Have a Blessed Day..

  4. I know full well what's it like to get caught up on blogs :)


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