Friday, July 11, 2008

click on picture to

I am grateful…. the many Health blessings I was given this week. God is Good.

I remember…growing up in a good life... and having to go though many stuggles to get to where I am today.
I will celebrate…it is the Hazy Lazy Days of Summer and time to enjoy.

A joyful picture (s) from this week:

Drawn by My Mother
Fly Away
we must daily let all that holds us back
and keeps us down FLY AWAY.


  1. Thank you so much for participating. I started The Joyful Journal as part of my 'mental wellness plan'. I certainly agree that what seems so serious at the time tends to be quite laughable once we put some distance to it.

    I absolutely love the picture and what you said about it!!! i definitely need to keep those thoughts!!!

  2. Remember you always have a friend out here if you ever need me.
    I understand your situation more than you can ever imagine.
    much love and lots of hugs,

  3. I was stopping by,just made a blog log for TRW and put you as the first one! Hope thats ok! Then I saw this wonderful post! And then I also so it is a new meme by Danielle! So many wonderful surprises! I so enjoyed it Colleen, blessings to you!

  4. So glad you enjoyed.
    Yes our Danielle is full of surprises. I was so excited to see her new Joyful Journal this morning. EVERYONE PASS IT ON!!!


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